Extracting transcripts from Just Press Record
An Introduction to the Ruby LSP Add-on System
Adding Sorbet and Tapioca to a Jumpstart Pro app
A GitHub Actions Rails CI Workflow in 5 lines
My Ruby Kata Template
Defining your team's policy for broken builds
Avoiding common cron pitfalls when scaling Rails
Speed up your TDD by refactoring rails_helper.rb
Getting started with Sorbet
Migrating from Mocha to rspec-mocks
Preventing False Positives in RSpec When Testing Exceptions
Prevent Accidental Coupling in Rails
Faster TDD in Rails with Bundler's 'require: false'
Ruby and Rails Resources for Intermediate to Advanced Developers
Improve Your Workflow by Avoiding Conflated Commits
Treating ActiveRecord as a private interface with FigLeaf
Goodbye Octopress
Opening new panes in tmate
Coding Offline
Preventing Accidental File Deletions
Coding Tour: TableXI, Chicago
Coding Tour: 8th Light, Chicago
Coding Tour: Hashrocket, Chicago
RubyConf 2013, Miami Beach
Coding Tour: Pivotal Labs, New York City
Coding Tour: Thoughtbot, Boston
The Coding Tour Begins
Promoting my Coding Tour
My Coding World Tour
Minimal Rakefile for RSpec, Cucumber and Jasmine
Playing with (RSpec)-Fire
Using Zeus with Cucumber and Guard
TDD Triangulation Practice
How to easily delete a large Amazon S3 Bucket
RubyMotion App Template
First Post With Octopress
How to disable NullDB for a particular RSpec example
Installing Mephisto on Heroku
Dissertation: Refactoring HTML and CSS with help from wkpdf
Dissertation: Some Possible Web Refactorings
Dissertation: Thoughts on Forms of Refactoring
Dissertation: Software and Tools
Dissertation: Reading List
Dissertation: Refactoring HTML
Dissertation: Applying Agile Development Methods to Legacy Web Code
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